Who am I?

home - boston and maryland


For the last 10 years, I have lived in Boston, MA. I currently live right next to Fenway Park! 

Before this, I grew up in Riva, Maryland, right outside of Annapolis. 

northeastern university graduate


Completed my Masters in Homeland Security (with a concentration in Emergency Management and Geographic Information Systems) from Northeastern University - Summa Cum Laude.

Previously, I  received my Bachelors in Business/Information Systems, and two minors: Spanish and Sociology from Northeastern University.

hubspot support engineer


 Currently employed at Deloitte as a Senior Cyber Strategy Consultant in the Government and Public Service area! 

Deloitte is a phenomenal company that is improving and changing the world - if you are interested in working here, please let me know!

Before this, I was employed at IBM as a Security Consultant!

piano and drums


Music is something I love. I play the piano and drums. Check out a recent video of me playing the drums by clicking here.

general interests


Information Systems, Information Security, Web Development and Design, Department of Defense, Leadership Development, Wealth Management, Risk Prevention and Crisis Management, Technological Innovations

connect with me on linkedin


Connect with me on LinkedIn or send me an email at taylorniland@gmail.com!

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